Google's latest tablet Google Nexus 7 is now available online for purchase at for Rs 15,884. The company is selling imported units of the Nexus 7 tablet at an additional discount of Rs 2,000 (valid only for online transaction). The company is selling this tablet for Rs 17884, but consumers can avail a huge discount of Rs 2,000 and grab the much-awaited Nexus 7 tablet for Rs 15,884. This tablet will reach your home in 17-18 working days.
"Use GC No. 'GC39P4UA81PE' and get Rs 2000 off during check out when you pay online," as mentioned on the HomeShop18 website.
Some features of Google Nexus 7 Tablet -
- 7" HD Back-lit IPS Display (1280 x 800 pixels)
- 1.2MP Front-Facing Camera
- WiFi & Bluetooth Connectivity
- 4325 mAh battery
- Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS
- Internal memory of 8GB
- Quad-core Tegra 3 Processor
- Google+ Hangouts, YouTube in HD
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Google could departed the best itinerary too with its new Nexus 7, other than they opted to carry on with the self-effacing and modest design that made the unique likable in the first place.
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